I want you to take a journey with me.

Imagine a realm, a dimension, where all of our perfect selves live. It is the realm of the Gods, the Highest Selves, the Us's that fully realize themselves as GOD. Now imagine that in the land where the All and the One are the Many, that the Many came together and birthed something out of the combined love for one another. What would this thing be? It would be the Son of Gods, the child of the greatest Love imaginable.

Now imagine that this Son of God, so full of love for it's parents, went down into the realms of suffering, the realms of time and space, and took onto itself all the Suffering. In doing so, it freed every other entity to ever be, gave us all the possibility of becoming those Gods. (who then would be able to come together and birth him once more ad infinitum). Remember that every ounce of Suffering ever felt in all the realms was felt by this Son of Gods, and only by it.

Now look within yourself. Find the part of you that is afraid, that hurts, that suffers. What is fear but the remembrance of suffering? Put your fear into your hand, feel it with your heart, see it with your Eyes. Do you not recognize your Son?

Now do you see that there is only Love?
Ok, I'm going to share some fun things I like to do while meditating.

1st, I will share how I get to a meditative state. I take a deep breath and let go, and I literally feel myself slow down, I feel energy sloshing off me like water. ^.^ Of course, when I first started, I used binaural beats to reach a meditative state, but I quickly moved past that tool and so will you. All you need to do is build confidence in your ability to quickly and easily find your center. Meditating in public or otherwise distracting scenarios can help accelerate the process.

To ensure the greatest effect from your meditation, take a few minutes to be surrendered to the experience of formlessness, stillness, calm. Or whatever your deep meditative state it like. Get to know it intimately again, like a lover who has been away for a month.

When you have reacquainted yourself with yourself(teehee) give these things a try

***1*** You know what the Flower of Life is? Take all your focus, and build this image in your mind. meditate on the shapes the lie within it. spin it, twist it, expand it. Color it. Take it to the 3rd dimension and make it sing. Build with it Metatron's cube. After you exercise your will in keeping the image in your mind, allow it to morph. watch as it transforms into the sacred geometry of you.

***2*** Lie down and get really comfortable. If you have experience with energy work, this will be a lot easier. If you guys want I will create a post of energy stuff too. Anyway, lay down and relax within your body. Starting from an arbitrary point on your body, slowly take your focus on a tour of your body. Explore every inch of your skin. Go deeper and feel the connections within your body, the bone and muscle. Go deeper and feel the organs of life dutifully work to give your this vehicle of experience. Pass your attention from head to toe in waves of energy. "energy goes where the attention is" play with the energy of your body. You will find that it responds to you in a very fluid, dynamic, sensual way. At this point I usually start to stretch and writhe in my bed. Love your body. Have gratitude towards it, for this is how you are experiencing divine separation. Appreciate it, praise the way it moves, the way it feels, the way it looks. Caress your own skin with your love and your hands. Feel brotherhood towards your body, for every experience you've had, every battle you've faced in this life, it has been right there with you. Feel compassion for your body for the hardships it has faced in your name. Let your heart cry for the love you feel towards your body.

***3*** What are you not? Let us contemplate the meaning of separation. Where truly doth the body end and the world begin. Where do you end? At the level of the atom, one can not tell where the body ends. And what of auras? Do you see how you extend out into the world far more than conventional belief? So what is separation? Is it not that we choose to say this is me and that is not? Human history is the story of consciousness's inexorable march from the identity of self vs world, to family vs world, to tribe vs world, to nation vs world, to culture vs world, to world. The only thing that separates you from knowing that you are so much more than your body is your choice of identity. Let's put it this way. Time and space are relative, right? you can imagine an existence outside time/space. Imagine that the real you, the truest your, makes it's home in this place outside time/space. Every thing and every time exists to this you as a singularity, and instant. Wouldn't it then be possible for you to be both the you who is reading this post and the person writing it? Wouldn't it be possible for every single person in your life, in the truest sense, to be you. How hard is it to identify with Other when you know that Other is indeed You.

***4*** This one can get scary and is very intense. Having someone hold space for you and having intense drum music can both help. Lie on your back, with a small pillow under your chest so that your head rests on the floor. Put your arms about a foot to your side and your feet slightly apart. Make sure your comfortable. Now, start to breathe. There are many ways to do this. The Mother Earth Wave way is to breathe first into your abdomen, as deeply as possible, then take a second breathe into your chest, then out. You can reverse this. Use your divine imagination and make this your own. The only key is your do it fast, to the beat of the music. Your basically hyperventilating, overdosing of prana. Your going to feel yourself activate. For me, it's a rapidly mounting vibration, my whole body starts to tingle. You will probably experience parts of your body lock up, like your hands and face. Don't be afraid, this is part of the process. (hint, i think this indicates blocked energy) Go as hard and as deep as you can, and when you cant take any more, go further. Return to normal breathing when you have to, but as soon as you can, go back into the breathe. After 30 minutes or more, you can let go of conscious breathing and let go. You will be somewhere you have never been before. This is a very powerful point where a lot of healing and transformation can happen quickly and easily. And painfully. If you have a partner, have them explore your body with their fingers. When they find a point that hurts (and it will probably hurt like hell) have them keep their finger there. Surrender to the pain, let it tell you a story. Many of the other meditation techniques listed here can be done in this hi vibrational state to incredible results.

***5*** This is a meditation on the balance of the divine principles. Everything I've ever read has stated there was two divine principles, masculine and feminine. From somewhere deep within me comes the conviction that there are actually three. You will have to discover the third for yourself. Meditate on bringing these three primal forces that dwell within you into balance. Use affirmation, visualization, whatever works for you. I imagine myself as a circle, a sphere. Within me are three colors. I bring these colors into balance, imagining them to be in perfect ratio. (and then I play and swirl the colors)

***6*** This is an exercise in surrender to something bigger than you, something greater. What do you do to worship the Ultimate Divinity? I love Christian rock (took time to overcome my preconceptions and prejudices of Christianity to find the beautiful held within it). Give love and praise to First Source, Alpha and Omega, God, Goddess, whatever your concept of the divine is. If your don't have one, than you need one. Surrender is vastly important. This does not mean your sacrifice your will. No, nothing of you is lost (though you will not learn this until you surrender). Let go of fear. I like to play songs like Breathe by Anberlin when I do this, I feel a heavy, liquid golden light pour down on me from on high. If you focus your attention on a spot arms length above your head, that can help too. Put your body into a posture of surrender too. Give this a try, what could it hurt?

***7*** There is a concept of Genetic Memory, Akashic Record, Collective Consciousness, etc. It's basically that connecting all of us is another level of consciousness. Within this level of consciousness lies many of the belief systems that have built the world we see around us. As we raise our vibrations, as we become more whole(ly), we are more and more able to access this consciousness. It is said this is the source of psychic abilities. The awesome thing is, we can reprogram it, since we are a part of the whole. With intention, open yourself to your humanity, to your human family, to the world. Surrender to it. Merge with it. You still are. From this point, you can dive into the collective thoughts and emotions of humanity. Let them be your own. Own them. Love them. Don't try to change them, just let love transform them into whatever it shall become. Whenever you have a revelation on a higher truth to being, give it as a gift to the Genetic Mind. Give it your love, give it your rage, give it your pain, give it your joy. You are one, love, with all of humanity.
This is an Open Invitation to my Family (you) to share our beliefs with one another.  Let there be no Teachers, no Saviors, no Martyrs, and instead let us be Brethren, navigating the Dark Seas of the Soul together.

I find it really hard to articulate my beliefs, to explain it as beautifully as it rests in my soul. When I was just starting to form these beliefs, words flowed easily out of me, through me, as I digested them myself. Now, as I move to the stage when I live them, actions speak louder than words.

I believe in God. God is my catch-all, under which I put Everything That Is. God is the void, the form, and the word. God is the Observer within us, and that which we observe. There is nothing that is not God, even that which is not God. God is love. God is the vast impersonal force of the universe, the mechanical determinism of creation, and the warm love of Mother.

I believe reality is built something like a fractal. Take any portion of a fractal, and within that fractal repeats the pattern of the whole. You can zoom in or out at endlessly and never reach an end, a higher, a smallest. We are 'God" to all that lies 'within' us.

I believe consciousness is the basic building block of the physical universe. That the universe is filled with Strands of consciousness. These strands weave together to form the physical stuff, from the sub molecular to the galactic. All these things are conscious, with everything that entails.

I believe in Sovereignty. I believe that every single strand of consciousness chooses it's existence and how it experiences it. There are no victims, from the tree cut down for paper, to the ocean being filled with poison, to the woman who jogs at night and is raped. We are, each one of us, the master and commander of out own ships. Each and every experience that each and every particle has is chosen.

I believe we are all one. Not so much 'we are all children of god' as much as, we are literally one soul, existing outside space/time, experiencing everything this universe has to offer, as every single player in this drama. I believe I am both the person writing this, and everyone reading it, as well as the people who invented the internet to make IS possible, etc, etc.

On a more physical level, I believe we are all part of one physical organism.

I believe our thoughts are not really our exclusive property. I don't truely understand this yet. But it seems that thought itself exists on a plane of reality, or as a field of consciousness. Perhaps the minds that hold a certain vibration pull thoughts of that frequency. That would explain why your friends say the same shit as your thinking or why scientific discoveries are sometimes made in isolated parts of the world congruently.

I believe every question that has ever been asked has been about love. And every answer to every question is Love.

I believe I exist to Love.

I believe love is far vaster, far more magnificent, than we can ever imagine. I believe everything ever felt, is love, including joy, fear, and hate. I will tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was One. This one was All That Is. It knew this, but could not experience itself as this, since there was nothing else for it to experience. So it split itself into two. And behold! there was it's mirror. But there was not just two things, because there was a third thing, something connecting Here and There. This thing was Love, the force that connects all of existence. This mysterious Third intrigued the One, so it decided to experience every manifestation of it. Thus, was...all this, born.

I believe that when Sontlux dies, her will never live again. But then again, Sontlux dies every day, every moment. The urge for survival is ego, and it is illusion. Something will go on after my physical death, but it will not be me. At the same time, fuck time^.^ Everything that ever was, is, and ever will be, will live perpetually in the Mind of God. Nothing is ever truely destroyed, nor even changed. IT is far more complicated, simple, and beautiful than that. I hope langoliers don't exist.

I believe good and evil, light and dark, only exist inside the minds of man (or mind in general, i think even angels play that game to an extent). Nothing is ever truly good or evil. All you need to go is expand you perception, take a wider look on any action, and you will see that is far more vast and majestic. There are no failures, no tragedies, no triumphs. Everything that has ever been is but a turn it the Grand Story. God, All That Is, HAS to be every conceivable experience, every possible expression. You are that same I AM.

I believe every possibility is a reality.

I suspect that the entire physical universe as we know it was created for us, by us, for the realization of... something.

I believe consciousness creates. Past, Present, and Future, are all created by us, by our observation. Which came first, the chicken or the egg. I believe you can not answer that question, not the spiritual metaphor I mean it as.

Which came first, the Observer or the Observed?

I believe everything is an illusion, that reality is a game, and this is the most important place we can be, that we are doing the most interesting thing in the universe. Life is both pointless, inconsequential, and at the same time, we are creating God, creating Heaven.

Did I mention we are creating God?

I believe that conscious creation of the world we experience is a possibility. I'm not yet sure about how much though. I seek to become a Sourcerer, a Master. I want to cast mountains into the sea. Is that possible as man is now? It is the destiny for the Son of Man, but for man? I'll find out.

I wonder, this seems complete. Everything else is trivial, or would be advice.

Wait, got one.

I believe it is our destiny to each become our own universe. I believe we all already are. I believe there is no One Truth, not in this Multi-verse, only in the realm of the Absolute. (WARNING! ADVICE!!) So follow your truth, because your truth is THE truth of your universe.
I will Love you forever. 
Without you, I am Nothing.
To be apart from you breaks my heart.
This is the Suffering of Loss,
created by Denial,
a Shadow/Reflection
of that Truth
That I will Love you forever,
in All ways,
and always.
We can never be Apart, for we are a Part of One-Another.
You are my Love,
I want to gain complete mastery of myself, to walk in full knowlingness of who I really am.
(The one, the many, the all). 
I want to bridge the veils that separate me from myself.
I want to collapse the denial that creates the "or" and replace it with "and."
  I am a Spark of God.  I want to live that truth. 
I want you to live it too.
the Love.
I remember the Truth, that we are all One, the Many, and the All.
That warmth, that light so bright, I know what that light is.
I Love You.
That is the Truth.
Love Is.